Saturday, July 18, 2009

VW becomes the main autocompany of the world

Logo Volkswagen

In 2008 VW was in the world only the third motor-car manufacturer, after General Motors and, until recently, supersuccessful Toyota which became at last the largest manufacturer of cars in the world. Now VW has outstripped GM and has seriously reduced backlog from Toyota.

Chief executive VW Martin Winterkorn wants, that the German giant became the world's largest motor-car manufacturer by 2018. VW is on a way to this purpose thanks to last year's growth of sales worldwide on 1,3% to 6 271 724 cars and to manufacture growth on 2,1% to 6 346 515 units. Toyota, on the contrary, has a little lost on sales (-4,2%) to 8 972 000 and manufacture (-2,9%) 9 225 000 for the same period.

If to take longer period and to trace tendencies of development of manufacturers for last years here an unaided sight the enormous progress VW which global sales have grown since 2004 on 23,5 % is visible. For same period Toyota has increased sales on 19.5 %. Manufacture on VW has grown on 24,6% (it is 1,25 million cars), and Toyota has made in 2008 of cars on 22,2% of percent more than for 2004.

Sales Ford have decreased on 10,8%, and already company Hyundai-Kia indicators very little lag behind. Koreans have felt behind themselves force and have increased sales on 5 % to 4 157 904. These companies now on 4 and 5 places in the world. A difference between them all 1,2 million sold cars.

On result of sales of 2009 in company GM closing and sale of brands Saturn, Hummer, Pontiac and Saab will seriously affect. Global sales of these marks made 720 550 cars in 2008. Still it is not known, how many the person from among the former clients of these marks will prefer other brands GM, and how many will leave on to competitors.

Even more important that GM will lose Opel and Vauxhall. After all if GM will lose the control over these marks (and all goes to such result) sales Opel/Vauxhall will not get any more to statistics GM. This loss can blow up a rating of world motor-car manufacturers.

In 2008 Opel and Vauxhall have together sold 1 503 100 cars. The basic commodity market of these marks — Europe. Take away from global sales GM these indicators, and also lost Saturn, Hummer, Pontiac and Saab and then still the recent leader of an automobile industry will be rejected on 4 place.

Is unsweetened it is necessary American Chrysler. Together with economic losses and bankruptcy position of the company in a rating of world manufacturers worsens also. In 2007 Chrysler still was the manufacturer of cars №9, now — №13. Company sales have gone on recession still in 2008 when the break-even sales level indicator has fallen to 24,9 % to 2 010 800 units in 2008.

French Renault SA, on the contrary, has entered in 10st the largest manufacturers of the world though has lost in 2008 4,1 % of sales. For crisis 2008 and against other companies it is faster success, than failure. Besides Renault acts as an united front with Nissan. Their alliance is successful enough and copes one person, powerful Carlos Gonom. But cross possession of actives of the companies not so is great and consequently world sales Renault and Nissan still will be separately considered. Together Renault and Nissan have sold in 2008 about 6,1 million cars. If they were one company, instead of is simple partners would be considered as the fourth motor-car manufacturer on size in the world.

Fiat SpA while owns only 20 percent Chrysler, that also does not allow to unite indicators of sales of two companies. But the given state of affairs can change, if Fiat, finally, nevertheless will catch most part Chrysler. If indicators of two companies to unite, in 2008 incorporated corporation Fiat-Chrysler would take the general fifth place.

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