Friday, November 13, 2009

UGG — «ugly boots»

Ugg boots

Boots from a sheepskin have been invented in Australia more 100 years ago, but footwear UGG has got wide popularity only in the end of the last century after have got to America. There them have chosen first Californian serfers which warmed in ugg feet after an exit from water, and after them on uggi footwear all Hollywood coast has become fan also.

The Hollywood coast chooses UGG

Ugg commercialAmerican company Deckers Outdoor Corporation in 1995 has registered brand UGG Australia and mass distribution of footwear UGG has begun with this moment on the USA. Popular representatives of show business and bright Hollywood stars have made the best advertising uggi in the beginning of 2000.
For example, Oprah Winfrey, the cult TV presenter, has appeared somehow in the show on the air in boots UGG of light-beige colour. Say, that Oprah was in such wild delight from convenience of footwear UGG that has immediately ordered boots UGG, for all members of the command.

Today already nobody will argue that footwear UGG has officially received the status of a stylish and fashionable accessory. In the market it is possible to buy uggi pink, turquoise colour, and also footwear with embroideries and pastes.

UGG Commercial

All secret that the sheep wool has unique properties — warms feet in a severe frost (to 34 degrees with a minus below zero) and is able to create sensation of a divine cool in a heat (to 24 degrees with a sign plus). Well and, besides, comfort which is got by their happy owner. Such comfort is not comparable with any other footwear.

UGG boots can be carried with any clothes and in any weather. With jeans, shorts, a skirt... Is better to carry ugg on a naked foot if weather allows.
Ugg boots sale: $500-1000USD.


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